Growing in Christ

The apostle Peter wrote in his second letter, "Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2Peter 3:18). Just the word "grow" implies our need for progress. As Christians there is always new territory to claim.

The areas in which we are to grow are grace and knowledge. Grace is the help from God that we do not deserve but desperately need. The area of growth is in the knowledge of our Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ. There is always more to know about Jesus and the Bible is our source book. Of course, the end result of experiencing more of the grace and knowledge of Jesus is to become more like him - and he is holy.

The 17 lessons in the Growing in Christ series are designed to move us from our new birth right on through important stages in the Christian life. There is no claim here to be comprehensive. However, there is much in these lessons to make each of us more Christ - like and therefore more to the praise of his glory.