Editor's Thoughts on War

· Pastor Art – Bible Teacher

How tragic it is that our world is plagued by war. In my lifetime I have felt the impact of four great conflicts: World War II, Korea, Vietnam, and now Iraq. Besides these four major wars, there have been countless minor conflicts, which are not minor at all in that they have taken human lives. Whether the wars have been major or minor, they have been started by the acts of wicked men. Other nations have had to step in and stop the aggression of evil.

When Jesus gave his only prophetic sermon, he spoke of the signs of the end times. One sign of the end times is frequent wars. (Listen Now: The End Is Coming) I rather think we have met that criterion by now, although it will probably get much worse. We should work for peace in our world. But I dare to say that lasting world peace will not be attained until one important thing happens.

The prophet, Isaiah, spoke many centuries ago about the coming Messiah. In Isaiah 9:6 the prophet gives the Messiah these names: "Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." Jesus Christ, who is the messianic Prince of Peace, will come again a second time to this earth. When he does, he will conquer the forces of evil, namely Satan and those who follow him, and will be declared "King of kings and Lord of lords" for all eternity. (Listen Now: Triumph of God)

The book of Revelation, the only book in the New Testament devoted solely to prophecy, ends with a sure hope: Jesus says: "Yes, I am coming soon." To which God's people respond, "Amen! Come Lord Jesus." Again, while we must work and sometimes fight to maintain order in this world, we must also keep our eyes on the certain hope of the return to this earth of the Prince of Peace–the Lord Jesus. When he comes, he will establish lasting justice and righteousness, which is the sure foundation of true peace.