The Ah-ha Moment!

· Jonnie Wright – Bible Teacher and Author of The Silver Bullet: God's Rx for Chronic Pain, Choices: Managing Chronic Pain

Photo Credit: Steve Woods, Colchester, England

I live my life in the expectancy of the ah-ha moment! A familiar Bible verse comes alive—ah-ha. A pastor's phrase percolates in my brain—ah-ha. Intimacy and transparency bloom in my fellowship/study group—ah-ha. Within the confines of these Christian activities and the obvious presence of the Holy Spirit, I expect, even presume, that God will reveal Himself.

But once I step outside these religious influences the ah-ha(s) take on a greater significance simply because they are so very unexpected. Imagine the Creator of the Universe revealing Himself to one small, insignificant life. A friend, saddened by the death of her dog, relates how she went to a dog shelter, even though it was closed on Sunday, and found the caretaker who had a puppy ready for adoption. Luck some would say. I say, "Ah-ha," God hears the lonely heart. Friends join in praying for a refrigerator, and one is donated to the church that very week-brand new. Ah-ha, God meets our daily needs. After six long, agonizing, hair-pulling months of trying to sell my house, I suddenly sell it and purchase a new home right in the middle of a Christian neighborhood; and the house has every feature I want -from a gas stove to a large walk-in closet. My "perfect" home appeared through the most unlikely of "coincidences" that could have only come about because of an intimate, loving God concerned for my personal welfare. Ah-ha!

We see ah-ha moments experienced by Biblical characters. Sarah, ninety years old, finally bears God's promised offspring. Ah-ha, God keeps His covenant. Noah builds a boat in the middle of the desert and the rain comes. Ah-ha, God does not take our offenses lightly. Joseph, sold by his brothers into slavery, keeps to God's precepts, and becomes Pharaoh's right-hand man. Ah-ha, God has a good plan no matter what circumstances may suggest. Hebrews pray four hundred years for deliverance from Egyptian slavery; Moses leads them to freedom. Ah-ha, God has predestined men and woman to become His people according to His purposes. Jesus, the Lamb of God, crucified then rises from the dead. The ultimate ah-ha as God provides a spiritual bridge of love and forgiveness between sinful man and His Holy self.

Yes, ah-ha moments do seem to come in hindsight-a now-I-get-it realization that God's watchful eye and ever-present hand is on our lives. In fact, if we keep our eyes open, we can recognize an ah-ha moment as it happens. And always, with an ah-ha sighting, comes a new depth of gratitude for our God who is so intimately and immediately interested in us.

"I stand there saved: surprised to be loved!"

Ps. 18:19 (MSG)

Photo Credit: Steve Woods, Colchester, England