The Resurrection

· Pastor Art – Bible Teacher

Jesus Christ is God in the flesh!

He came to this earth some 2,000 years ago to undo the effects of the fall (Genesis 3). He spoke as no man ever did. He performed mighty miracles—even the raising of the dead. But the stupendous thing about Jesus was the claim he made. He claimed to be one with the Father. And that is why the Jewish religious leadership crucified him. In calling God his Father, he made himself equal with God. And, in fact, that he was!

From the viewpoint of the Jewish leadership at the time, the crucifixion was the way to get rid of a blasphemer (He claimed to be one with the Father!). From God's standpoint it was the offering for sin for all human beings who would repent and trust God for salvation.

The whole Jewish sacrificial system, found in the Old Testament book of Leviticus, was but a picture of the real thing. Christ is the real thing—the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. An animal sacrifice was not adequate. A human being was not an adequate sacrifice. But Jesus, the Messiah, the God-Man, was fully adequate to atone for the sins of the world and thereby to satisfy the justice of God.

That God, the Father, would love us, His creation, so much that he would come to earth through his Son, Jesus, to take the punishment for sin that we should have borne, is a love unparalled. God in love and mercy did this for you and me. It is His grace—His unmerited favor on our behalf.

But how can we believe this story? If it is true, it is wonderful. But how can we know?

Some years ago I was in Jerusalem with my two sons. We had a free day, so we decided to go to the possible, if not probable, site of the death and resurrection of Jesus. The "Place of the Skull" (Calvary/Golgotha), where Jesus died on the cross for our sins, is now mostly a round-about bus station. But bordering on Calvary is the Garden Tomb Site. There we found the tomb. If this isn't the tomb, it is very much like the one in which Jesus was laid following his crucifixion.

I entered the tomb—now empty. No one else was with me. I stood alone in the empty tomb with all the thoughts of the passion of Jesus running through my mind and heart. I opened my New Testament to the gospel accounts of the resurrection found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I read them all and prayed. There were tears in my eyes and in my heart. There was a sense of the holy Presence of God in that moment. It was a holy moment in my life that I will never, ever forget. I never take communion but what my mind goes back to the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem.

This resurrection of Jesus from the dead was the validation of what he claimed about himself—to be one with the Father. How can I believe He was who He said He was? By the resurrection! The Apostle Paul wrote in these words:

"Christ Jesus…who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead—Jesus Christ our Lord."

Romans 1:4

The fact of the resurrection, reliably reported to us by the four gospel writers, gives us the confidence that we can believe all that Jesus said and did. That is why we trust Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord.

God's Word promises us three things as a result of this trust. First, the forgiveness of our sins—no more guilt. Second, the gift of eternal life—heaven is our ultimate home. Third, the Presence of the Holy Spirit in our hearts and lives—the Spirit's guidance and comfort throughout life's journey. What a God to take our sin-ruined lives and redeem them by the precious blood of Jesus shed on the cross. Amazing love! Amazing grace!

If you have not yet trusted Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you can—right now. Here are the steps you may take:

  • Step 1: God's Purpose: Peace and Life This is what God wants in our lives.

  • Step 2: Our Problem: Separation We are separated from God by our sins. Our Attempts at self-righteousness are inadequate. We can't be good enough to please God.

  • Step 3: God's Remedy: The Cross Christ was good enough. He died on the cross in our place.

  • Step 4: Our response: Receive Christ Pray and ask God to forgive you. Then trust Him to do this.

You can become a Christian in this moment. And you can be sure that you are saved by trusting Jesus Christ, because He rose from the dead. He has the authority and the ability to save you. Trust Him now!

Photo Credit: Rob C, Orange County, California