
The book of Isaiah has been called by some "The Fifth Gospel" because it has so much to say about the Messiah. The New Testament identifies Jesus as the Messiah that Isaiah foretold.

The book, written most likely by one author, seems to divide into two parts: chapters 1-39 (the failure of humankind) and chapters 40-66 (the hope of the Messiah). Of all the books of the Old Testament, Isaiah is the most quoted in the New Testament.

In the eighth century B.C. Elijah and Elisha were the most prominent non-writing prophets. Isaiah, a writing prophet, began the eight century B.C. followed by many others. There are five Major Prophets (those who wrote longer books) and 12 Minor Prophets (those who wrote shorter books). All the prophets are important regardless of the length of their books. They wrote mainly to the divided kingdom, Israel in the north and Judah in the south, prior to their going into captivity (Israel to Assyria in 722 B.C and Judah to Babylon in 586 B.C.) Some of the later prophets wrote to the Jews returning to Jerusalem after the captivity.

The lessons below cover a portion of Isaiah's message.