The Gospel of Mark

The Gospel of Mark is an action packed narrative of Jesus' activities while on planet Earth.

The gospel recounts the places Jesus visited, his teachings, his time with his disciples, and the miracles he performed out among the people. Perhaps the first and the shortest of the four gospels, the author tells the good news of Jesus in 16 chapters recounting events chronologically as they occurred. Starting with the baptism of Jesus and leading to the defining moments in His life such as the crucifixion and His resurrection the story is told.

Biblical scholars and historians maintain that the Gospel of Mark was written by John Mark, an understudy of the Apostle Peter, in approximately AD 65-70–perhaps the first gospel to be written. It is noted that the author pays careful attention to explain Jewish customs, which many believe indicates that the primary audience for this gospel may well have been non-Jewish readers such as the Romans.

The Gospel of Mark depicts Jesus in action. The word "immediately" appears often in the text. Although the book is a fast-paced look at Jesus' life, Pastor Art takes time to focus in on critical passages that bring out nuggets of biblical truth for believers to apply to their lives today. The twenty-five lessons expose present day believers to Jesus' approach to key issues of His times and take-away principles that can be applied to life today.